Friday, June 29, 2012

Third experience

Following my first and seconded experience I do remember hearing questionable noises here and there, but what I believe was my third experience took place when I was 7 or 8. At that time my mom and I were living in Laredo, TX. We were living in a mobile home my stepdad had bought from his uncle which had some age to it but it was big. There was one room that was only accessible by going into the restroom. Walking into the restroom strait across was a door to a small room in which was supposed to be a laundry room but a bit bigger to make into a small bedroom. In that room I kept all my toys and it was made into my play room. I do not know how long it was that we were living there but that room felt uneasy and as if someone was in there anytime I was in there. The one notable experience I had took place during the day time when my mom and I were alone. I was in the play room putting my toys away in there proper place, not to leave a mess, getting reading for lunch. As soon as I was done I headed to the kitchen and as soon as I stepped out of the room and into the restroom I heard a loud crash right behind me. I got straddled and as I started to run the toilet flushed on it’s own and as soon as I ran out of the restroom another loud crash came from the playroom. I was scared so bad I ran out of the house! My mom was right behind me asking me what was wrong and I did not know what to say but to tell her I was scared. My mom was laughing at me and told me to go eat. My mom went straight to the playroom and found my toys everywhere. She approached me upset telling me how I need to pick up my toys. I went to the room and knew I had picked up my toys and no way could the toys fly out of the toy chest. I picked up my toys while my mom was watching me. No later my mom had left to go the corner store and I was in the living room watching TV with my back to the kitchen. I felt something was right behind me, and as soon as I felt it I heard a loud crash and did not want to look. After a few seconds I forced myself to turn around and a hard plastic cup was on the kitchen floor. It had to come from the sink because the cabinets were closed. I got up to pick it up and again heard the toilet flush. I quickly ran outside.   

Monday, June 25, 2012

My seconed encounter

My second experience I encountered happened not much longer from my first. I was still around the same age either the same age or a year older still at the same location with my mom. The apartment we resided at the time was in a location in which the property, backyard, was more than a few acres of a wooded area in which we, my friends and I would go explore. At the time it seemed as if it was miles of woods but more than likely less since everything seems bigger and more exciting when you are a kid. I had already heard stories from the other kids in the apartment complex of strange noises, lights, and sightings in the woods. Naturally I did not like going in the woods as much and never went in the woods when the sun was setting because I did fear the stories. I never remember ever experiencing anything unusual until my second experience with ghost. I recall playing cops and robbers with the kids form the apartment complex and chasing each other in and out of the woods. The sun was setting at the time when one of my friends said he saw a family of raccoons, A number of kids and I wen t to go check it out when one of the older kids said this is the time when you hear voices and see things moving around. Some kids ran out of the woods and some of us stayed, including myself just to see the raccoons. We could not find the raccoons when the same older kid said we should stick around just to see that he was not lying about what he had mentioned. I did not want to take part and asked my friend we should go. No one that stayed wanted to leave so I had told myself at least I am around people I know. Nothing was happening but the noises of the birds and the sound of the stream running. I do not know how long it was until we started to hear two males voices nearby yelling at each other. Everyone besides the older kid said it was coming from the apartment area. We all started to walk back until I felt uneasy and I know some others did as well. I looked around and I noticed black short figures zipping around trees. I did not want to react but did move faster and push my way to the front of the group. As soon as we got out of the woods I felt the heavy feeling leave. I went strait home but heard some kids say they saw what I have just witnessed at the time.  


My First expperience

I have not done any kind of blogs before, and I thought I would give it a shoot. I have shared many of my experiences with my lovely wife and friends of the paranormal that I had experienced in the past. We both are believers in the spirit world, my wife and I. But back when I was a little one I thought the spirit world/afterlife was all monsters and evil ghost. Now that I understand it more and from a number of personal experiences it's not all bad at all. My wife told me I should start a blog on my experiences with ghost. Well here I am to share my personal ghost stories. I am not trying to make believers out of anyone nor do i expect you to take my word, but who does not like a good old ghost story?!
I always find it enjoyable to hear a good ghost story true or not. But since I can remember I have always believed in ghost, do not know if it is because I watched horror flicks at a very young age, had an experience I cannot remember, or just knew they existed.
My very first personal experience I had took place when I was either 4 or 5. At that time I lived with my mother in Sheboygan Wisconsin. My mom’s good friend had brought me a pink panther stuffed toy she had won at the caravel that was close to my size at the time. My mom had huge it up on the wall in my room directly in front of my bed so it happened that I would be staring at it. I do remember not liking it for some reason, just made me feel uncomfortable. I do not know how long I had it for till I had my first experience. What I can do remember, as if it happened just yesterday, it was close to my bed time and I was watching TV in the living room while my mom was in the kitchen on the phone and she had told me to go get ready for bed. Directly from the sofa, living room area was the stairs heading to the bedrooms and bathroom. Right when I got up to walk up the stairs I saw the pink panther at the top of the stair case as if were sitting down but bent over to its side, I stopped and stayed frozen. I felt as if someone took all the air out of me and as if all my hair stood up. My mom asked what was wrong and all I could do is run towards her. I know at that point I scared her because her voice changed and her expression turned to concern. I told her that the pink panther was sitting on the stairs and it was scaring me. She hesitated a bit to look, but she did and walked up the stairs to get it. My mom blamed me for doing it and said that’s what I get for not picking up after myself, that I scared myself, she then place it back on the wall.
Now I know I never took it down nor any other time other than when I decided to take it down to toss it in the trash. That was my very first experience in the paranormal. I do remember at times it would feel very heavy in my room with that stuffed pink panther and what I believe was its eyes would shift from left to right. One day I would take notice it would be looking to the far right and the following day they would be looking to the far left.